Cole James – The “Grief Recovery Method”

Join Suzane for The Suzane Northrop Show, which airs monthly on Blog Talk Radio. Each month Suzane interviews exciting guests in the field of spirituality and metaphysics, and offers live on-air readings for listeners.

Cole has worked in the communication field for Fox Movie Channel and the FX network for the past six years before joining the Grief Recovery Institute team. His team at Fox won an Emmy in 2009 for their work on the Fox Series, “Writer’s Draft.” Cole was also awarded three Promax Awards for his creative input and production skills on the “Channel of the Apes” promotional campaign.

Cole brings his enthusiasm and media savvy to our organization. He directed the rebranding and development of our new website. Cole’s knowledge of high-tech options, including the use of social media, has brought us into the 21st century and dramatically enhanced our communication tools. We look forward to his next bright ideas.

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